Episode Number Five Of The Voice Detective Show with Kevin Schwager, Chiropractor


Kevin is not your usual chiropractor. He uses many therapeutic modalities and life skills gleaned over his 37 years of practice. From an early age he has had an interest in physical fitness and health. Growing up near one of Sydney’s southern beaches,surfing and body surfing became a life-long passion as well as other competitive sporting activities where he could test himself against his personal best.

With this background, it is no surprise to learn that he joined a long line with a family tradition practicing as a chiropractor, a profession which his daughter also now continues.

Excelling at everything he put his mind to, Kevin taught himself to speed read and became a voracious reader. He acknowledges that, he has been particularly influenced by Dr John Demartini’s teachings and the mind’s ability to accomplish the heart’s desires.
Kevin is a believer in one’s capacity to overcome adversities with our natural innate abilities and the body’s capacity to heal. From the outset, he always sees his patients as being whole and healthy and uses his skills in kinesiology to find the hidden healing paths to unlock the patient’s ability to get into contact with that wholeness themselves. He is very mindful of how non-violent communication with others and within ourselves, combining with the power of a positive thought will forge our daily lives. These attitudes have become the bedrock of his spiritual practices.

On his own healing path, Kevin has forged friendships with Aboriginal Elders and has been a humble student of the ancient Dreamtime ways and practises. He actively participates in passing on the knowledge, or learning down to younger generations in the form of mentoring and teaching.

Looking after younger generations is dear to Kevin’s heart having worked with street children and outback locations in Australia where such help is most needed and in short supply.

Today he divides his time between being with his young family and running the bustling Nelson Bay Chiropractic and Yoga in NSW, Australia with his life partner Maree Frawley, herself, an accomplished yoga master, teacher, author and inspirational coach.

Episode Number Four Of The Voice Detective Show with Salvatore Emanuele Samperi, Tenor and Vincenzo Bellini and Bel Canto Specialist


The thirty-year artistic activity of the tenor Salvatore Emanuele Samperi begins in Catania, his city of birth. He began studying singing with Claudia Parada, then with the teacher Tito Capobianco (Julliard School in New York), Maestro Meinard Kraak, and finally he the refined the art of
“bel canto” with the tenor William Matteuzzi.

He was a finalist in the first ever Giuseppe di Stefano International Competition for Young Opera Singers in Trapani, Sicily. There he was praised by Giuseppe Di Stefano himself, for his vocal beauty and interpretive style.

Salvatore Samperi has performed as a soloist in several operatic productions in Italy and abroad singing alongside internationally renowned artists such as Angela Gheorghiu, and Rolando Panerai.

He has sung for the Toscanini Foundation in Parma, the Galuppi Festival in Venice, the Luglio Trapanese Annual Festival, the Royal Albert Hall in London, the Marin County Civic Centre in San Francisco and at the Barry Memorial Hall in Wales.

He has released two CDs for Niccolò Music with unpublished opera pieces by Vincenzo Bellini. His vocal versatility spans from Bellini to Bernstein, where at the Teatro del’Opera Giocosa
he sang many seasons of the role of Tony in Westside Story. Apart from his successful career as an opera singer he took part as a singer-actor in the television drama the Turn of the Century on the Italian Broadcaster RAI.

Salvatore Emanuele Samperi also is a prize winning author in national writing competitions. His most recent publication in January 2022, is a biography, “History of a Catanese: Vincenzo Bellini”. As a leading Bellini scholar he heads the Bellini Cultural Project and is the the Artistic Director of “Bellini for the Young”.